Saturday, 8 April 2017


Gemini; (May 21 - June 20)
Every Gemini is blessed with a dual nature represented by your Tarot card, The Lovers. Turning points for you often involve making a moral choice between taking the high or low road. This card encourages you to weigh your options carefully and follow the path dictated by your personal integrity.

Friday, 7 April 2017


Taurus; (April 20 - May 20)

Your card, The Magician, represents learning from knowledgeable teachers who can help you search for higher truths by exploring tried and true traditions. Sifting through the superficial, these learned souls can lead you to the heart of matters where profound insights reveal important life lessons.

Thursday, 6 April 2017


Cancer; (June 21 - July 22)
You stand proud and strong as you guide The Chariot on your card, steering a steady course and rising above life’s conflicts. Even though Cancers seek security, you also love the freedom of the open road where you can use your highly-developed intuition to win the race.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017


Pisces; (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Like your Tarot card, The Moon, you are a creature of ever-changing moods. You do best when you attune to nature’s cycles and use them to refresh your intuitive powers. The Moon rules emotions, which are your strong suit, especially when you use your compassionate nature to help others.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017


Aries; (March 21 - April 19)
Your Tarot card is The Emperor, the guy who will always be there when you need him. This card represents your sign’s loyalty and ability to stick by your friends through thick and thin. Like the royal figure on your card, you use your authority and analytical powers to help others and to achieve your goals.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Two card reading.

Two card reading;

First Card;
Ace of Pentacles;
Prosperous Beginnings.
In the centre of even the giant redwood tress... a tiny seedling once stood. Such is the energy of the Ace of Pentacles - it's the seed that takes root, grounding you for the future. You're in the beginning phases of a prosperous venture. Stay grounded. Go outside and take time to appreciate nature. You may also find windfall of wealth headed you way.

Second Card;
Four of Swords;
Stillness, Mental Power.
Though threatening swords loom above, the lamb sits in stillness without fear. The Four of Swords says it's time to look inward and find the mental power to cope with the pressures. It's important to rest. Seek meditation or find literature that focuses on ways to quiet the mind. Take this time to recuperate and move inward before those swords strike.

Four card reading.

Four Card Reading;

First Card;
Ten of Pentacles;
Fulfilment, Abundance.
The Ten of Pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life. The number ten usually indicates completion, and in this case the journey was well worth it. So be generous, not only with your money, but also with your wisdom. Provide guidance to those who struggle. You will be rewarded tenfold.

Second Card;
Two of Pentacles;
Balance, Change.
The Two of Pentacles signifies inevitable change. Since the Pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. Even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. Face it with grace of a newly formed butterfly... a world of possibilities balanced upon your delicate wings.

Third Card;
Daughter of Cups;
Creative, Emotional.
Creative energy abounds from the Daughter of Cups. She's romantic, artistic and easily inspired by her surroundings. A true dreamer by nature, she struggles to stay "grounded" or to deal with any harsh realities that come her way. Conflict of any kind is very disturbing to this gentle creature.

Fourth Card;
The Emperor;
Protection, Stability, The Father.
The Emperor is the father. He's the tarot's perfect counterpart to the Empress. He represents the side of you that's protective, decisive, and truly stable. He brings clarity of mind, and this in turn leads to actions or decisions. Sometimes this card is literal and points to a paternal relationship in your life. At other times, it suggests reconnecting with the part of you that stands strong and tall and knows just what to do. With help from the sun, the Emperor can see for miles and miles.