Monday 9 January 2017

Two card reading.

Two card reading;

First Card;
Ace of Pentacles;
Prosperous Beginnings.
In the centre of even the giant redwood tress... a tiny seedling once stood. Such is the energy of the Ace of Pentacles - it's the seed that takes root, grounding you for the future. You're in the beginning phases of a prosperous venture. Stay grounded. Go outside and take time to appreciate nature. You may also find windfall of wealth headed you way.

Second Card;
Four of Swords;
Stillness, Mental Power.
Though threatening swords loom above, the lamb sits in stillness without fear. The Four of Swords says it's time to look inward and find the mental power to cope with the pressures. It's important to rest. Seek meditation or find literature that focuses on ways to quiet the mind. Take this time to recuperate and move inward before those swords strike.

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