Sunday 8 January 2017

Two Card Reading.

Two card reading;

First Card;
Nine of Swords;
Dark Visions, Anguish.
An extremely dark card, the Nine of Swords reveals the deepest shadows of the self. It indicates insomnia, nightmares, and worries in the midnight hour. Often these states are accompanied by guilt, despair, or even depression. You'll be battling with yourself, so turn to others for help. Find joy. Reach out.

Second Card;
Three of Wands;
Envisioning The Future.
The Three of Wands indicates you've had continued support from others (perhaps from your parents or two good friends). With their help, you've formed a sense of self, of your values and morals. But now it's time to rely om yourself for guidance. Clarify your goals, and cast others' needs and opinions aside. The future is infinite, and it is yours. No one else can see through its layers of light and shadow.

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