Saturday 7 January 2017

Two card reading.

Two Card Reading;

First Card;
The word "judgement" conjures up fear and guilt in many people. This card, however, concerns itself with another aspect of this word - seeking the truth. No more blaming yourself or other, no more excuses. Now is the time for forgiveness and personal freedom. This card asks you to rise up and let pettiness and fear fall below you. Expand your wings and be reborn. What a relief it will be.

Second Card;
Eight of Pentacles;
Craftsmanship, Skill.
The spider is a true master of her craft. She weaves against all odds with skill, intricacy, and confidence. The Eight of Pentacles requires a similar approach. Hone your skills. You are close to finding mastery at your craft, so strive for it. Pay attention to all the details. In some cases this cars means you need to find a new hobby, something you truly enjoy. Start a new project. Become good at it.

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