Sunday 25 December 2016

Past, Present & Future.

Five of Pentacles; 
Sadness, Worry, Illness.
                                    The five of Pentacles is a card of hard times. It may come in the form of an illness, job loss, financial trouble, or rejection. Above all this there will be worry, so much worry. This anxiety is counterproductive and damaging. You must find a way to quiet the mind during this difficult time. Rely on meditation or visualisation to find peace.

Six of Pentacles;
Prosperity, Growth, Generosity.
                                               The six of pentacles indicates that your long awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. Make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. This card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. If this is the case, accept the help with grace and put the resources to good use.

Seven of cups;
Illusion, Deception.
                            The seven of cups is not the most welcome card. It indicates you'll face temptation in many aspects of your life. Whether it's cheating for pleasure or for money, you'll soon realise you've been building a house of cards. You may feel as though you can't see clearly, can't judge right from wrong or up from down. This is the spell of the Seven of cups. It's best to remove yourself for a while, step back until you can see straight again.

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