Monday 26 December 2016

Weekly Reading.

Five of Pentacles;
Sadness, Worry, Illness.
                                    The Five of Pentacles is a card of hard times. It may come in the form of an illness, job loss, financial trouble, or rejection. Above all this there will be worry, so much worry. This anxiety is counterproductive and damaging. You must find a way to quiet the mind during this difficult time. Rely on meditation or visualisation to find peace.

Seven of Wands;
Courage, Inner Strength.
                                     A single wand stands up tall, ablaze with light. The others fall away in shadow. Such is the story of the Seven of Wands. You'll not find any strength or support from others, only yourself. It's time to be truly courageous and stand up for your beliefs. You may feel overwhelmed with caution and fear, but your internal fire will guide the way.

Two of Swords;
Blocked Vision, Stalemate.
                                        The Two of Swords depicts two opposing forces that have reached a stalemate. You cannot progress forward with either a relationship or a life decision. There's an answer that's being blocked - maybe by choice? Many times this card will indicate you do not wish to face the truth the light will reveal.

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