Monday, 9 January 2017

Two card reading.

Two card reading;

First Card;
Ace of Pentacles;
Prosperous Beginnings.
In the centre of even the giant redwood tress... a tiny seedling once stood. Such is the energy of the Ace of Pentacles - it's the seed that takes root, grounding you for the future. You're in the beginning phases of a prosperous venture. Stay grounded. Go outside and take time to appreciate nature. You may also find windfall of wealth headed you way.

Second Card;
Four of Swords;
Stillness, Mental Power.
Though threatening swords loom above, the lamb sits in stillness without fear. The Four of Swords says it's time to look inward and find the mental power to cope with the pressures. It's important to rest. Seek meditation or find literature that focuses on ways to quiet the mind. Take this time to recuperate and move inward before those swords strike.

Four card reading.

Four Card Reading;

First Card;
Ten of Pentacles;
Fulfilment, Abundance.
The Ten of Pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life. The number ten usually indicates completion, and in this case the journey was well worth it. So be generous, not only with your money, but also with your wisdom. Provide guidance to those who struggle. You will be rewarded tenfold.

Second Card;
Two of Pentacles;
Balance, Change.
The Two of Pentacles signifies inevitable change. Since the Pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. Even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. Face it with grace of a newly formed butterfly... a world of possibilities balanced upon your delicate wings.

Third Card;
Daughter of Cups;
Creative, Emotional.
Creative energy abounds from the Daughter of Cups. She's romantic, artistic and easily inspired by her surroundings. A true dreamer by nature, she struggles to stay "grounded" or to deal with any harsh realities that come her way. Conflict of any kind is very disturbing to this gentle creature.

Fourth Card;
The Emperor;
Protection, Stability, The Father.
The Emperor is the father. He's the tarot's perfect counterpart to the Empress. He represents the side of you that's protective, decisive, and truly stable. He brings clarity of mind, and this in turn leads to actions or decisions. Sometimes this card is literal and points to a paternal relationship in your life. At other times, it suggests reconnecting with the part of you that stands strong and tall and knows just what to do. With help from the sun, the Emperor can see for miles and miles.

Card of the day.

Card of the day;
The Empress;
Creation, Nature, The Mother.
The Empress is the mother, or the goddess, of the tarot. Her energy encompasses all the warm, fertile, creative and sensual in the world. Her strength comes from being gentle and compassionate, and loving without binding. When this card appears, it's pointing to either a maternal relationship in your life or the side of yourself that wants to love more. The Empress also suggests it's times for you to reconnect with nature. Go outside tonight and find the moon.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Two Card Reading.

Two card reading;

First Card;
Nine of Swords;
Dark Visions, Anguish.
An extremely dark card, the Nine of Swords reveals the deepest shadows of the self. It indicates insomnia, nightmares, and worries in the midnight hour. Often these states are accompanied by guilt, despair, or even depression. You'll be battling with yourself, so turn to others for help. Find joy. Reach out.

Second Card;
Three of Wands;
Envisioning The Future.
The Three of Wands indicates you've had continued support from others (perhaps from your parents or two good friends). With their help, you've formed a sense of self, of your values and morals. But now it's time to rely om yourself for guidance. Clarify your goals, and cast others' needs and opinions aside. The future is infinite, and it is yours. No one else can see through its layers of light and shadow.

Card of the day.

Card of the day;
Mother of Swords;
Sharp, Perceptive.
You'll often find the Mother of Swords putting her sharp perceptions to use a therapist, doctor, or teacher. She's extremely experienced and knowledgeable in her field. Some think of her as all-seeing. This card can sometimes represent a woman going through a difficult time. She may be recently widowed or divorced, and usually without children. During this time, there's potential for her criticism to soar.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

New Book.

New book;

Whats is the real story of the runic rings found in Britain? No self-respecting wizard should be unschooled in runelore, and in this little book runemaster Paul Johnson introduces the magic of this archaic script through ancient runes found on stones, bones and other artefacts from around these mysterious isles.

With exquisite early engravings, useful correspondence tables, and a new translation of the fascinating old English Rune Poem, this is a beautiful book and an essential introduction to the subject.

Two card reading.

Two Card Reading;

First Card;
The word "judgement" conjures up fear and guilt in many people. This card, however, concerns itself with another aspect of this word - seeking the truth. No more blaming yourself or other, no more excuses. Now is the time for forgiveness and personal freedom. This card asks you to rise up and let pettiness and fear fall below you. Expand your wings and be reborn. What a relief it will be.

Second Card;
Eight of Pentacles;
Craftsmanship, Skill.
The spider is a true master of her craft. She weaves against all odds with skill, intricacy, and confidence. The Eight of Pentacles requires a similar approach. Hone your skills. You are close to finding mastery at your craft, so strive for it. Pay attention to all the details. In some cases this cars means you need to find a new hobby, something you truly enjoy. Start a new project. Become good at it.

Card of the day.

Card of the day;
Three of Cups;
Friendship, Joy, Bounty.
The Three of Cups is a lovely card. It foresees you in the company of amazing friends, creating memorise together that you'll forever hold dear. These are not any ol' friends; they are people with whom you feel a rare connection. With them you feel truly "yourself." Enjoy each minute of their company. This card can also indicate an upcoming celebration. Love abounds!

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Past, Present & Future.

Past, Present & Future.

The Wheel;
Luck, Fate, Karma.
Fate, karma, but also luck. Traditionally it represents a turn for the better and so is a welcome card for someone in tough times. Things hidden that will be revealed in time. Taking a risk.

The Devil;
Obsessions, Bad Relationship, Low desires or Beliefs.
Oppression, addictive behaviour, bad relationships; whatever chains us. Illusions, mistakes, sometimes lies. 
More lightly, wild times, rebellion, sexual adventures.

The Tower;
Upheaval, Release, Revelation.
An explosive situation, upheaval. Sometimes extreme conditions, possibly even violence. Revelation, whether spiritual or a shocking discovery. Liberation. The sudden end of a long - standing problem.

Five Card Reading.

Five card reading;

Card One;
Ten of Swords;
Ruin, Rock Bottom, Melodrama.
When the Ten of Swords appears, you've finally hit rock bottom. You've let others walk all over you while you play the victim. Is it possible that you love the backstabbing and drama too much to move forward without it? If no for drama...what would you focus on? It's time to find out.

Card Two;
Six of Cups;
Memorises, Childhood, Joy.
A card of beautiful implications, the Six of Cups focuses on the magic and innocence of childhood. The roots of years past are alight with colour and vibrancy... look back upon them, get lost in your memorise. Old friends may surface and seek you out. All reunions will be joyful. Enjoy simple pleasure and wonder in all areas of your life.

Card Three;
Son of Cups;
Artistic, Introspective.
Like all of the Cups family, the Son truly excels within the arts. He's usually a musician or a visual artist of some kind, and he finds success within his field. His natural tendency to look inward adds to his charm and mystique. To others he may seem secretive and even peaceful, while deep inside he carries a dark kernel of intensity.

Card Four;
Six of Wands;
Victory, Success, Rising Up.
From the dark and tangled branches emerges a butterfly. New life takes flight. If you're not revealing in the joy of success already, you will be soon. The Six of Wands is a card of victory, of rising up against the odds. The obstacles have been relentless, but now is not the time to look back upon them. The more pressing question is: Where will you go with your new set of wings?

Card Five;
The Tower;
Unexpected Upheaval.
When the Tower card appears, it's time to brace yourself for a change. The well-rooted tree that's been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. Your world may feel as though it's literally falling apart - and you didn't see it coming. Even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. You'll look back and feel grateful things changed course. You might even see it as a personal "breakthrough" in the end.

Card of the day.

Card of the day;
Two of Pentacles;
Balance, Change.
The Two of Pentacles signifies inevitable change. Since the Pentacles suit relates to earthly possessions, this usually means a new job or financial situation or a move. Even if you fear this change, it needs to happen and might even be fun. Face it with grace of a newly formed butterfly... a world of possibilities balanced upon your delicate wings.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Answer to a question.

Answer to a Question;
The Sun;
Vitality, Enlightenment.
Imagine for a moment that you're soaking in the warm rays of the sun. It feels nourishing and healing; all your aches and pains just fade away. The Sun card brings this amazing energy into your life. Vitality and health abound, while you feel assurance and clarity in all you do. Spend some extra time outside today, be grateful for the radiance of the sun and the life force it gives all creatures.
The Sun describes something will come into your life to bring you joy. It speaks of new love or being in love for the very first time. 

Card of the day.

Card of the day;
Closure, Transformation.
No one loves the sight of the Death card in a reading. We spend most of our lives denying death altogether... so when this card appears, it's easy to get frightened or think it's "bad." Don't let the drama distract you from the message; something in your life needs to end. It needs closure. This will happen voluntarily or involuntarily. Either way, you will feel a positive transformation begin after the initial forms of suffering have passed.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Weekly Reading.

Weekly Reading;
Card One;
Four of Cups;
Greed, Discontent.
An outsider would look upon your life and see supportive relationships, pleasures, and even a bit of luxury. But you don't see it that way. Instead, there's discontentment, apathy, and even greed for more. The Four of Cups warns not to take your situation for granted, or the people who supported you along the way. Look around you. What are you truly longing for? Name it.

Card Two;
The word "judgement" conjures up fear and guilt in many people. This card, however, concerns itself wit another aspect of this word-seeking the truth. No more blaming yourself or others, no more excuses. Now is the time for forgiveness and personal freedom. This card asks you to rise up and let pettiness and fear fall below you. Expand your wings and be reborn. What a relief it will be.

Card Three;
Father of Wands;
Charismatic, Creative.
The Father of Wands is a man of mystique and charisma. Others are drawn to him naturally, and he welcomes them with an open and loving heart. Usually you'll find him involved in the healing arts, as he's deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. He is able to hold steady and still during conflict.

Card of the day.

Card of the day;
Healing, Renewal.
The great blue heron remains calm and peaceful as she blends the opposing elements of fire and water. The Temperance card asks you to be a moderator much like the heron. Focus on cooperation and compromise. If you've been excessive in one aspect of your life, practice self-restraint and moderation now. You'll find a new sense of healing and balance from bringing a little harmony back into your life.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Card of the year.

Card of the year;
The Lovers;
Union, Desire, Joy.
Two Canadian geese are mates for life, travelling partners within an expansive sky. The lovers card is a welcome sight in any reading, as it suggests a beautiful and strong relationship on the horizon. Yes, you'll experience all the thrills of desire and romance, but meanwhile you'll be building a solid foundation together. The Lovers honour and respect each other, and with that they can go anywhere. If you're already in a relationship, it's time to be grateful and nourish this rare and precious gem.

Card of the day.

Card of the day;
Ace of Wands;
Expansion, Inspiration.
An extremely high energy card, the Ace of Wands indicates new growth is all around you. Your ideas and outlook will expand, and creativity seems endless. This fertile time can also have literal meanings... a pregnancy or birth may be on the horizon. Though it'd thrilling to embark on your new journey, your good judgement is needed more than ever. Don't rush into it.